Amphibian and Reptile Adaptations to the Environment: Interplay Between Physiology and Behavior provides a comprehensive and integrative view of the interplay between physiology and behavior in amphibians and reptiles, leading to a better understanding of the subject. The book covers topics that have recently been in the spotlight for scientific research on the physiology, behavior, and conservation of amphibians and reptiles. It brings together recent information from a range of disciplines that address critical topics for understanding their biology. As these studies are scattered across articles in specialized journals, this book provides a single and expanded source summarizing such advancements. 221 p.
- Denis Vieira de Andrade, Editor. Instituto de Biociencias, UNESP [University Estadual Paulista], Departamento de Zoologia, Rio Vlara, SP (Brazil).
- Catherine R. Bevier, Editor. Department of Biology, Colby College, Waterville, ME (USA).
- José Eduardo de Carvalho, Editor. Federal University of Sao Paulo (Brazil).
- Publication date (digital version): 2017-12.