Pharmacotherapeutics for Veterinary Dispensing enables pharmacists and pharmacy students to expand the breadth of their pharmacological knowledge to include common veterinary species. The book offers a practical yet complete resource for dispensing drugs for canine and feline patients, with additional chapters on horses, birds, reptiles, small mammals, and food animals. Edited by a globally recognized expert in veterinary pharmacology, and including chapters written by veterinarians with expertise in pharmacotherapy and pharmacists with expertise in veterinary medicine, this book is designed to help pharmacists enhance the quality of veterinary patient care. 638 p.
- Katrina L. Mealey, Editor. BS (Pharm), DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVCP, and NAI Fellow, Professor and Endowed Chair at Washington State University, and Founding Director of the Program in Individualized Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine in Pullman, WA (USA).
- Publication dates: 2019-04 (print); 2019-02 (electronic format).