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  • Air Quality and Livestock Farming

Air Quality and Livestock Farming

  • 40.00€

Tags: Livestock management, Agricultural pollution.

Air quality has a direct influence on health, welfare and production performance of livestock as the high concentrations of noxious gases, dust and airborne microorganisms are likely to reduce production efficiency and the general welfare of farm animals. Long term exposure to particulates in livestock buildings might also affect the respiratory health of farm workers. In Air Quality and Livestock Farming, key aspects of agricultural air quality, such as monitoring, managing and reducing airborne pollutants in and around livestock facilities are reviewed. 412 p.

Series: Sustainable Energy Developments, 15



Authors expertises affiliations

  • Thomas Banhazi, Editor. University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland (Australia).
  • Andres Aland, Editor. Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia).
  • Jörg Hartung, Editor. University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover (Germany).

  • Publication date (digital version): 2018-06.

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