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  • 3D Joint Anatomy in Dogs: Main Joint Pathologies and Surgical Approaches

3D Joint Anatomy in Dogs: Main Joint Pathologies and Surgical Approaches

  • 45.00€

Tags: Dog, Clinically oriented anatomy, Body joints.

3D Joint Anatomy in Dogs: Main Joint Pathologies and Surgical Approaches is a visual guide with a strongly educational approach covering the main joints in the limbs of the dog. It shows the anatomical elements of each of these joints in three-dimensional diagrams. The views chosen for each case have been selected for a practical purpose, showing the position of the elements involved in the most commonly used surgical approaches. It also describes the key orthopaedic conditions affecting each joint and the most commonly used surgical approaches. 241 p.  


Authors expertises affiliations

  • Salvador Climent Peris. DVM, Professor of Veterinary Anatomy and Embryology, Actively involved in the set-up and development of CCMIJU (Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre), Caceres (Spain).
  • Rafael Latorre Reviriergo. DVM, PhD, Professor of Veterinary Anatomy, Vice President of the International Society for Plastination.
  • Roberto Köstlin. DVM, Dipl. ECVS. Assistant Professor of Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine, Hanover (Germany); and Assistant Professor of Surgery and Ophthalmology, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich (Germany).

  • Publication date (digital version): 2018-01 - Servet  (imprint of Grupo Asis).

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