With the aid of a large number of unique high quality images, this book describes the important diseases of cattle encountered by veterinarians in general and farm animal practice. The book covers diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and control. Wherever possible sequential images are used to take the reader through all stages of the disease process highlighting clinical features important in the diagnosis. The chapters are arranged by body system. Using numerous high-quality images, the authors discuss the important cattle diseases commonly encountered by veterinarians in general and farm animal practice. This ebook covers diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and control. The chapters are arranged by body system. 288 p.
- Philip R Scott. BVM&S, MPhil, DVM&S, DSHP, FRCVS, DipECBHM, DipECSRHM FHEA, Reader. University of Edinburgh (UK), Division of Veterinary Clinical Sciences.
- Colin D Penny. BVM&S, CertCHP, DBR, DipECBHM, MRCVS, Senior Lecturer, Farm Animal Practice.
- Alastair I Macrae. BVM&S, PhD, CertSHP, CertCHP, MRCVS, Senior lecturer. University of Edinburgh (UK), Dairy Herd Health and Productivity Service.
- Publication date (reprint original edition 2011 to digital version): 2017-07.