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  • Diagnosis of Pathogenic Microorganisms Causing Infectious Diseases

Diagnosis of Pathogenic Microorganisms Causing Infectious Diseases

  • 47.00€

Tags: Pathogenic agents, Human pathogens, Infectious diseases, Diagnostic pathology, Public health aspect.

Diagnosis of Pathogenic Microorganisms Causing Infectious Diseases will help the scientific community to understand the transmission dynamics of some infectious diseases of public health importance. 311 p.


Authors expertises affiliations

  • Irshad M. Sulaiman, Editor. He has been working in the area of biomedical research focusing on the control and prevention of human-pathogenic microorganisms for three decades. He is currently with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Atlanta, GA (USA).

  • Publication date (digital version): 2023-12.

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