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  • Cooperative Veterinary Care

Cooperative Veterinary Care

  • 30.00€

Tags: Cooperative animal, Veterinarian-patient communication, Staff role.

Cooperative Veterinary Care puts the focus on preventing and reversing fear and stress in the veterinary setting through preparation, planning, and most importantly training. 264 p.


Authors expertises affiliations

  • Alicea Howell. BS, RVT, VTS, KPA CTP, Veterinary technician specialist in behavior. Hillview Veterinary Clinic in Franklin, IN (USA). 
  • Monique Feyrecilde. BA, LVT, VTS, Veterinary technician specialist in behavior, Full-time practice and owner of a consulting busines. Mercer Island Veterinary Clinic, Mercer Island, WA (USA);  and Consulting business called Teaching Animals, located near Seattle, WA (USA).

  • Publication date (digital version): 2018-03.

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