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  • Biomarkers in Toxicology, 1st Edition

Biomarkers in Toxicology, 1st Edition

  • 46.00€

Tags: Animal model, Toxicity, Biomarkers, Drug safety.

Biomarkers in Toxicology is a timely and comprehensive reference dedicated to all aspects of biomarkers that relate to chemical exposure and their effects on biological systems. This book includes both vertebrate and non-vertebrate species models for toxicological testing and development of biomarkers. 1088 p.


Authors expertises affiliations

  • Ramesh C. Gupta, Editor. DVM, MVSC, PhD, DABT, FACT, FACN, FATS, Professor and Head, Toxicology Department. Breathitt Veterinary Center, Murray State University, Hopkinsville, KY (USA).

  • Publication date (reprint original edition 2014 for digital version): 2015-02.

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