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The revised seventh edition of Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology is updated to provide a comprehensive review of all topics related to disorders of the blood in animals. Designed as a gold-standard reference, this text covers a wide range of species in both confined and free-range populations, reflects the most recent trends in hematology diagnostics, and discusses recent advances in traditional techniques. Edited and written by an international team of experts. 1403 p.


Authors expertises affiliations

  • Marjory B. Brooks, Editor. DVM, DACVIM. Director, Comparative Coagulation Section, Animal Health Diagnostic Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (USA).
  • Kendal E. Harr, Editor. DVM, MS, DACVP. Urika, LLC, Mukilteo, WA (USA).
  • Davis M. Seelig, Editor. DVM, PhD, DACVP. Associate Professor, Clinical Pathology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine, St. Paul, MA (USA). Et al...

  • Publication date (electronic format): 2022-02.

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