Comparative Veterinary Anatomy: A Clinical Approach describes a comprehensive, clinical application of anatomy for veterinarians, veterinary students, allied health professionals and undergraduate students majoring in biology and zoology. The ebook covers the applied anatomy of dogs, cats, horses, cows and other farm animals, with a short section on avian/exotics, and a focus on specific clinical anatomical topics. 1,491 p.
- James A. Orsini, Editor. Associate Professor of Surgery, Department of Clinical Studies - New Bolton Center, University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kennett Square, PA (USA).
- Nora S. Grenager, Editor. Director of Internal Medicine, Steinbeck Peninsula, Equine Clinics, Menlo Park, CA (USA).
- Alexander de Lahunta, Editor. Emeritus James Law Professor of Anatomy, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca, NY (USA).
- Publication date (digital version): 2022-04.