Ultrasound-Guided Procedures in Equine Orthopedics and Surgery serves as a practical guide for equine veterinarians in orthopedics and surgery. It reviews and summarizes the current scientific evidence of the most commonly performed ultrasound-guided procedures for ultrasound-assisted surgery and injections. For the first time, different techniques are compiled and richly illustrated with pictures and videos to guide the practitioner step-by-step. Additional chapters describe the most common ultrasound-guided injections in different anatomical structures as well as the surgical approaches that are aided or guided with ultrasound.118 p.
- Roberto J. Estrada. DVM, Dipl.ECVS-LA. Associate Professor and Surgeon of the Equine Hospital, School of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Nacional, Heredia (Costa Rica); and owner of a private ambulatory practice on equine orthopedics and medical imaging, Heredia (Costa Rica).
- Publication date (digital version): 2024-04.