Integrative Medicine in Veterinary Practice is a unique resource designed to introduce the basic concepts of ten different integrative modalities to all members of the hospital team to establish a baseline of knowledge: explaining how patients will benefit from their use, discussing return on investment, informing veterinarians of available courses and suggested reading materials, walking managers through staff training, and providing client education materials. Integrative medicine is not an all-or-nothing concept. This umbrella term encompasses a wide spectrum of treatment modalities. Therapies can be used individually or in combination, as part of a multimodal approach, and applied easily to every patient or used in select cases. 898 p.
- Lisa P. McFaddin. DVM, GDCVHM, CVSMT, CVMRT, FCoAC, CVA, CVFT. 'Caring Hands Animal Hospital', Bristow, VA (USA).
- Publication date (digital version): 2024-04.