In recent decades the available imaging modalities have expanded from conventional radiography to include ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and all are employed on a daily basis in both general and specialty veterinary practice. Atlas of diagnostic imaging of dogs and cats provides a broad overview of diagnostic imaging of companion animals. Interpretation of diagnostic images are presented throughout the textbook to illustrate normal anatomy, species differences, anatomic variation and common pathology. Radiography remains the most commonly employed diagnostic imaging modality in both general practice and specialty practice and the textbook provides a thorough review of the use of this imaging modality for all body systems. 647 p.
- Massimo Vignoli, Editor. DVM, DSCM, PhD, SRV, DECVDI. Currently Professor at the University of Teramo (Italy); and Consultant for the 'Veterinary Clinic Pet Care' in Bologna (Italy).
- John Graham, Editor. MVB, MSc, DVR, MRCVS, DECVDI, DACVR. Currently works as a Radiologist for 'DEXX Telemedicine', Clackamas, OR (USA).
- Publication date (digital version): 2022-10 - Edra Publishing.