This completely revamped second edition of Avian Medicine and Surgery includes over 260 all-new colour illustrated cases, with questions and answers fully exploring a breadth of diseases and disorders. Avian patients are a routine part of the veterinary case load and are being seen by many clinicians across the world. This book provides a unique quick reference for clinicians and a useful self-test for students by offering comprehensive, clinically-oriented information that can be quickly accessed, understood and applied. 378 p.
Series: Veterinary Self-Assessment Color Review
- Neil A. Forbes, Editor. 'Great Western Exotics', Swindon (UK).
- David Sanchez-Migallon Guzman, Editor. School of Veterinary Medicine, University California-Davis, Davis, CA (USA).
- Publication date (print and digital versions): 2017-01 - Barnes & Noble.