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  • Fish Diseases: Prevention and Control Strategies

Fish Diseases: Prevention and Control Strategies

  • 45.00€

Tags: Fish, Aquaculture, Pathogens related diseases, Immunity, Disease control, Clinical management.

Fish Diseases: Prevention and Control Strategies provides essential information on disease prevention and treatment by the most experienced fish culturists in the industry. The ebook presents both traditional and novel methodologies of identifying and addressing fish disease risk, along with preventative and responsive insights to the challenges impacting fish production today. 271 p.


Authors expertises affiliations

  • Galina Jeney, Editor. Scientific Adviser, Research expertise in the area of immunostimulants and immunology of fish and fish disease resistance challenges. NAIK Research Institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Szarvas (Hungary), Fish Nutrition and Immunology.

  • Publication date (digital version): 2017-02.

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