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  • Health and Welfare of Brachycephalic (Flat-faced) Companion Animals...

Health and Welfare of Brachycephalic (Flat-faced) Companion Animals...

  • 45.00€

Tags: Brachycephalic dog breeds, History, Genetic predispositions, Epidemiology and risk factors, Welfare and ethical aspects, Veterinarian role, Veterinary nurse role.

Health and welfare issues of brachycephalic (flat-faced) animals are one of the most pressing problems facing companion animals right now. Dogs, in particular, are suffering from a ‘brachycephalic crisis’ resulting from a perfect storm where predispositions to an array of health issues are amplified by a population boom for certain brachycephalic breeds such as the French Bulldog and Pug. Health and Welfare of Brachycephalic (Flat-faced) Companion Animals: A Complete Guide for Veterinary and Animal Professionals, will equip veterinary professionals, animal welfare scientists, and breeders with the fuller story about brachycephalic health and welfare. 398 p.


Authors expertises affiliations

  • Rowena M.A. Packer, Editor. BSc in Animal Behaviour and welfare, PhD. Currently Lecturer in Companion Animal Behaviour and Welfare Science; she leads a research team exploring diverse topics in this area; she is also co-leader of the RVC's Brachycephalic Research team, and a founding member of the UK Brachycephalic Working Group.
  • Dan G. O'Neill, Editor. DVM, MSc in epidemiology, PhD at the Royal Veterinary College on a 'Programme to evaluate breed effects on the health of dogs and cats'. Currently Senior Lecturer in Companion Animal Epidemiology at the RVC.

  • Publication date (digital version): 2021-08.

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